Lt Gen NS Raja Subramani has been appointed as the next Vice Chief of Army Staff (VCOAS) by the government of India, effective from June 20. This decision follows the upcoming retirement of Lt. Gen. Upendra Dwivedi, the current Vice Chief, who is slated to assume the role of Chief of Army Staff (COAS) upon Gen. Manoj Pande’s retirement on June 30.
Career Highlights of Lt Gen NS Raja Subramani
Currently serving as the commander of the Army’s Central Command, Lt Gen Subramani boasts an illustrious military career spanning over 37 years. He received his military education from prestigious institutions including the National Defence Academy, Indian Military Academy, Joint Services Command Staff College in Bracknell (UK), and the National Defence College in New Delhi. He holds a Master of Arts degree from King’s College, London, and an MPhil in Defence Studies from Madras University. His command experience includes leading a battalion during Operation Rhino in Assam, an infantry brigade along the International Boundary with Pakistan, and a Black Cat division in Northeast India. Notably, he has also commanded the Uttar Bharat Area and the esteemed Kharga Corps at Ambala.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Vice Chief of Army Staff
As the second-highest-ranking officer in the Indian Army, the Vice Chief of Army Staff serves as the deputy professional head of the Army and acts as a senior adviser to the Minister of Defence. This position is typically held by officers who have demonstrated exceptional military and administrative acumen throughout their careers.